BlytheCon UK Bring & Buy

BlytheCon UK 2025 Wreath Logo - A Blythe doll head inside a Christmas wreath. There are baubles, holly, stars, and a gingerbread man around the wreath. A red bow at the bottom reads BCUK 2025.

Clear out your dolly closet AND raise money for our chosen charity!

Is your dolly closet overflowing?

Are you worried about making that even worse when you see our fab vendors?

Luckily we have the perfect solution – a BlytheCon UK charity bring and buy sale!

Simply bring along some of your sundries, and let us sell them for you on the day. Not only do you get to clear out some of your old bits and bobs, but 10% of the proceeds will be taken off for donation to our charity. Everybody wins!

How does it work?

At home…

Download our free printable item list and item labels to get started.

Pick out your best items, bag them up and prepare your labels/list.

On the day…

Bring your bagged and labelled items with you, along with a copy of your item list.

Visit our friendly bring and buy volunteer stall on the day and our team will do the rest.

Bring & Buy Rules

  • You can bring a maximum of 5 items for sale – this is to give everyone a fair chance at selling their items, as the bring and buy is always very busy and popular!
  • Items must be clean and in good condition
  • Items must not be made specifically for sale – it’s a closet clear out!
  • Items must be labelled, and inside plastic or Ziploc bags
  • The item labels must match the items on the list you leave with our volunteers
  • Clothing, accessories and other sundries are fine – we will not accept any dolls or doll parts for sale
  • We retain the right to refuse items if they are deemed unsuitable, or if the stall is overstocked
  • Prices should be marked clearly in £ GBP only
  • 10% of any sales will be deducted to give to our event charity
  • To clarify a frequently asked question, when we say 5 items, this means you can bring up to 5 plastic bags of stuff. Multiple things in a bag to sell as a lot is absolutely fine. For example, a bag containing several pieces of a stock outfit, etc.

Would you like to volunteer?

Like BlytheCon UK itself, The bring and buy stall relies on volunteers to be able to run – if you can donate some time on the day it’s a great way to meet people, make new friends, and potentially indulge in a little bit of first dibs shopping… sound good? Get in touch with us via our social media accounts, or use the contact page and we’ll get back to you ASAP!